Another week as come and gone and I don't know where it went. I
finally feel like I'm getting to know our area pretty well. It's
incredibly frustrating covering such a large area on bikes but I know
that the Lord has some reason behind it. We get to talk to a lot more
people this way but don't necessarily get to teach as much as we would
wish. It's been a great growing and learning experience. When you
train someone on a mission you become what we call a "mission mom" to
that new missionary. So Sister Kennar is my "mission daughter". I
really feel like a mom most days. Teaching, leading, setting the
example, cleaning up things before bed (poor Sister Kennar is just
smashed most days from biking), and even little silly things like
pictures. She loves taking pictures and I always get the, "Hey take a
picture!" The other day when she said it I said, "Mom mom mom take a
picture of me!!" She laughed and it's been fun to joke around with her
and get to know her better. She has an awesome testimony and is a great
missionary. We set some goals that we want to accomplish for this
transfer together and it was a great time to just sit and talk about
concerns she has, fears that I had about training in this area and just
how we are going to help each other become the best missionaries that we
can be. It was a really special spiritual experience that really built
our unity and connection as companions. It's fun to have an Aussie
companion. She says funny words like ice blocks which is a Popsicle.
We laugh at each other attempting to speak with each others accents and
just have a gool ol' time.

The other day we went to a ladies house to help her pick her oranges and tidy up her yard. She offered us a drink of basically hot chocolate but she used powdered milk in it. She said "I hope you don't mind that I use powdered skim milk." We said no and then she backed it up with, "I have actually had this probably longer than I've been a member of the church. My family usually brings their own milk when they stay over." She joined the church in 1973!!!! I almost died trying not to laugh out loud. We were saved by a phone call asking us to come do service elsewhere so we didn't' have to end up drinking it. We had a good laugh about that for the rest of the day. I've been grateful to have Sister Kennar's personality to keep me smiling. I was pretty down the other day while we were biking. We just weren't having any success and I was getting pretty bummed. I said a prayer as we biked just asking for the chance to share something with someone. We tried another door and the man was super friendly. We were able to share a bit with him. He said he appreciates our dedication and what we are all about. He wasn't interested but it was just enough to see the Spirit work through me as I opened my mouth and shared simple eternal truths with him. Heavenly Father answers our prayers! That simple little thing was enough to pump me back up and keep me going with my head held up high.
The other day we went to a ladies house to help her pick her oranges and tidy up her yard. She offered us a drink of basically hot chocolate but she used powdered milk in it. She said "I hope you don't mind that I use powdered skim milk." We said no and then she backed it up with, "I have actually had this probably longer than I've been a member of the church. My family usually brings their own milk when they stay over." She joined the church in 1973!!!! I almost died trying not to laugh out loud. We were saved by a phone call asking us to come do service elsewhere so we didn't' have to end up drinking it. We had a good laugh about that for the rest of the day. I've been grateful to have Sister Kennar's personality to keep me smiling. I was pretty down the other day while we were biking. We just weren't having any success and I was getting pretty bummed. I said a prayer as we biked just asking for the chance to share something with someone. We tried another door and the man was super friendly. We were able to share a bit with him. He said he appreciates our dedication and what we are all about. He wasn't interested but it was just enough to see the Spirit work through me as I opened my mouth and shared simple eternal truths with him. Heavenly Father answers our prayers! That simple little thing was enough to pump me back up and keep me going with my head held up high.
I was able to speak in sacrament meeting yesterday. My topic was
love at home and how my family upbringing prepared me for a mission. I
basically just bragged about you all for 15 mins. Just kidding but kind
of serious. I started talking about FHE at grandma and grandpas every
1st Monday of the month and how our opening song is always Love at
Home. I was able to share a lot of stories about how our families love
of the gospel and standards helped others, like Eric, find the gospel.
It was awesome. Many people came up and thanked me for my talk and
for reminding them of the little things they need to do with their
families now. It made me feel good. Then we had dinner and FHE that
night with a family in the ward named the Berryman's. They are amazing.
We call Sister Berryman, Auntie. She loves missionaries and having us
over. She is going to be my mom away from home while I'm serving here.
She had us sing Love at Home as our opening song to FHE with them :)
It made me feel right at home. I love our family. I love knowing that
we have been sealed together for time and all eternity. I love hearing
about girls camp and youth conference from Sophie, scout camp from
Josh, basketball camp and swim team from Ben, and all of the fun
family trips from David. I've been blessed with the greatest family on
the planet. I love you all and pray for you everyday. Never forget
that someone around the world loves you :) Thank you for everything you
do for me. You are the greatest!!
Much love, Sister Shayne
ps mom the pumpkin bush is for you. I figured maybe we can do that with the bush in the front of our house for Halloween haha
For a RS activity we were able to go visit a buddist temple. Here are some pictures of their worship room. We were allowed to take pictures don't worry.
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