Hey there!
I feel like the days of this week went
by like weeks but that the week as a whole went by in a day. It's a
unique feeling. We got a call from the office this week informing us of
our flight plans. That's an interesting phone call to receive. I'm
glad Sister Faivakimoana and I are finishing together. It's been nice
to have someone who understands. We are helping each other stay
focused. It's been hard though. Sister Faiva is ready to go. She
moved to a new area for her last transfer and hasn't unpacked. She's
just living out of her suitcases. She's definitely in the 'enduring to
the end' phase. I'm still just trying to wrap my head around the fact
that it's going to come to an end. I love the people here and I'm so
humbled to see the growth in the people that we work with.
Tuesday Sister Faiva and I were able to give training at Zone
Meeting. It is part of being a Sister Training Leader now. Back a year
or so ago when I was SLT with Sister Terry we didn't have many
responsibilities. We were mainly just in charge of doing exchanges with
the Sisters and that was it. It was different being the one giving
training. We kept it really simple. We were training on the importance
of the Book of Mormon. We had decided to have some of the new
missionaries share with the zone how a story or teaching from the Book
of Mormon helped their conversion to the gospel. Sister Reynolds went
first. She is amazing. She is the 10th of 13 kids from Utah but she is
the only member in her family. She has only been a member for about a
year and a half. Hearing her testimony was so powerful. Next was Elder
Collings from England. He was born and raised in the church and
testified that the Book of Mormon is the center of everything else in
the gospel. I was humbled to hear their testimonies. I was glad that
we were prompted to have them share.
This week we had 2 really good lessons with Aaron. He had
definitely felt the Spirit and he knows he can't deny it. He shared a
really cool experience with us this week. He has an hour long train
ride every day up to the city for work and the same trip back at the end
of the day. He downloaded the gospel library onto his phone so that he
can put in his headphones and listen to the scriptures as he reads on
the train home each day. He said that he was having a pretty down day
and got on the train not really wanting to do anything. He felt like he
should listen and acted on the prompting. He was really reflective and
said, "Looking back on it that really did give me more peace then
anything else could have." He also expressed how he was on the train
one other day sometime this last week and just felt like he should pray.
He said, "I probably looked dumb sitting there. I just said it in my
head but as I prayed I could feel myself smiling." I love hearing
stories like that from people. I love seeing how Heavenly Father reach
out and touch lives. It puts a smile on my face. :) Fun story about
our lesson with him on Wednesday night. We asked if he had extra
speakers he didn't need and he took us into his spare room with just
stuff in it and got side tract and opened this box and pulled out a
lightsaber! It was amazing. We had way too much fun at the end of
that lesson haha. Faiva and Alex took turns taking photos with it.
Friday we took a temple trip with the Mutus. We were so excited
for Nikau to be able to go in a do baptisms. It's been a couple of
years since he had last gone in and done work for the dead. It was
amazing to be there with them. Mum, Jordy, and Sione took us with them.
When we got there Sister Tomaki and her companion Sister Tupuna also
showed up! It was so good to see her. She ran up and gave me the
biggest hug and just cried. We got there just early enough to beat the
traffic of youth and YSA that came at 7. Sister Mutu has been doing
amazing work with her mother-in-laws family line and they were able to
take 30 names to the temple. Jordy was baptized and confirmed for the
females and Nikau for all the male names. Sione was able to be there to
perform the baptisms and confirmations. It was a beautiful sight. As
Nikau left the font Elder Meredith the Temple President shook his hand
and said, "Welcome back." I was amazed at how strong the spirit was and
I was just watching. It was such a special experience to be a part of.
Sister Tomaki was also able to do baptisms for the dead. That was a
huge thing for her. It was only her second time in her life. She and
Nikau were just beaming when they came out of the temple. Moments to
remember for a lifetime.
Scriptures of the week: D&C 138:1-4 and 2 Nephi 10:24-25. Some
of my best studies come while I'm sitting in sacrament meeting. I'm so
grateful for the atonement and my Savior.
Hope you all have a fantastic week!
Love you heaps,
Sister Shayne
Aaron and the lightsaber
3rd Nephi
6:14 No matter what is going on around us let us be like these Lamanite converts
6:18 Not like these guys. . .
7:16 This is how we feel most days
8:24-25 We can't procrastinate the day of our repentance. We never know when our time here will be over.
9:14-16 Wow. The light in all the darkness is Christ.
9:20-22 Repent and be baptized. That has always been the counsel and it always will be.