Sunday, August 4, 2013

Tranferred to Ballajura!

Transfers were crazy.  I was transferred to a new area.  I'm now in the Alexander Heights area.  There haven't been missionaries in this area for 6 weeks.  So my companion and I are basically starting from nothing.  I picked up my new comp on Wednesday at the Mission Office with all of the other new missionaries that came in.  We lined up across from all of them and then President named us off and who we would be training.  My new companion is Sister Faiga (Rita) Kennar.  She is 20.  She was born in Apia, Samoa.  She moved to New Zealand when she was like 6-7.  Then only lived there for 3-4 years before moving to Melbourne.  Her brother plays for Melbourne Storm (under 20s) and he is taking time off to follow her footsteps and serve a mission.  The club said they would take him back after his mission and double his contract.  Pretty cool, aye?  She is amazing.  I couldn't have been blessed with a better companion to work with in this new area.
We cover 5 suburbs all on bike.  They are Ballajura (Where we live), Lansdale, Alexander Heights, Mirrabooka, and Koondoola. It's a pretty big area so we are going to have to work hard.  We've been "doubled in" which just means that we are both new in the area.  Most times one companion stays in an area but in our case the Lord needed us to rebuild this part of His vineyard.  Training is ridiculous.  I learn more from her than she does from me.  I know that this is going to be a huge test for me to step up and really be the missionary that the Lord needs me to be.  I have a lot of room to improve but I'm working on it little by little every day.  I think it's going to take every ounce of faith I can muster to make it through these next few weeks but it's going to be the greatest thing that's happened to me.  Our Ward mission leader in the Madeley Ward is Jesse Pappas.  He reminds me of Rodney from Flushed Away.  Same personality, same look, it's really kind of crazy haha.  He is way into his calling and it is amazing to work with him.  All 4 of us missionaries in our ward bore our testimonies of missionary work yesterday.  It seemed really powerful and many members got up and thank us for the motivation to keep sharing the gospel with their friends.  Our Bishop is Bishop Holder.  I met his son Quaid at the Provo Temple on one of our Temple walks while I was there.  He is serving in Ukraine.  It's cool to have random connections here in Perth.  I constantly am reminded that this is exactly where the Lord needs me to be.
Yesterday I was also fasting that I could fit these shoes that the Lord has given me to train.  I don't know why it's so hard to feel adequate for the calling but it's taking a lot of faith and trust.  I started my personal study yesterday after church with a prayer and I just said, "Heavenly Father, I just need to know that I'm doing alright. I'm nervous and want to do well."  I started reading and I came across 3 Nephi 5:13.  I just cried.  I know without a shadow of a doubt that the Lord is taking care of me, that He has called me to Perth and to be a trainer with Sister Kennar for a reason.  I have never felt the spirit answer me so powerfully before.  I still tear up just thinking about how much I feel my Saviors love, guidance and support in all I do.  Heavenly Father loves us.  I know it.  I've had too many things happen to ever deny it.  I hope you all remember how much Heavenly Father loves each and everyone of you.  Never forget that your Sister Shayne loves you.  I'm doing wonderful here in my new area and couldn't be happier.  I feel your prayers bless and strengthen me everyday.  Thank you all :)
All my love :)
Sister Shayne
pic 1 Sister Kennar
pic 2 Chapel in Ballajura
pic 3 Elder Baptista and Elder Beck (District leader) with me and Sister Kennar on our way to come email this morning :)

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