Sunday, October 13, 2013

Happy Birthday to me!‏

Hey there!!!
This week was amazing :)  I'm going to start with telling you all about my birthday and conference.  Friday morning I woke up and Sister Kennar had a present for me.  She had bought me some earrings on p-day and wouldn't let me see what she bought.  I like them a lot and have worn them almost every day since I got them.  They are fun.  Then while we were tracting (yes we got to do my favorite activity on my birthday. Sister Kennar hates tracting) we got a call from the Ellenbrook Sisters in our district who sang a beautiful version of Happy Birthday.  It made me feel awesome.  Then we went to lunch at Kylie Flavell-Brown's home.  She is one of our ward missionaries.  She is a single mum of 2 super awesome boys.  Regan is the one in the picture.  He's darling.  Kylie asked Sister Kennar through the week what I needed for my birthday so she surprised me with a curling iron!  All of the pictures that you've seen with my hair curled has been done with a straightener.  I've gotten pretty good at curling it like that but I was super grateful to see a curling iron.  I've been trying to find a good one since I got into this country but we never go to the right shops for that as a missionary. It was a great surprise present.  Saba was also at lunch and she bought me a new red watch :)  It was super cute of her.
Then for dinner that night we went over to the Pearsons.  They are the best family.  They made an incredible lasagna for dinner (complete with garlic bread) and then bought this massive beautiful chocolate strawberry cake.
While we were there their son rang in from the mines and Sister Pearson gave me the phone so Caleb could wish me a Happy Birthday too!  I left their home that night and just wanted to cry because I felt soo at home with them.  I haven't met a family that I've been that close to yet on my mission.  The Berrymans took us right under their wing but just sitting at the Pearsons feels like sitting at home or and grandmas and just talking with family.  They haven't been to church in a long while.  I said that since it was my birthday I get to share my favorite Book of Mormon story.  I shared everything I know about Abinadi and bore my testimony to the family.  The spirit was so strong.  I was grateful for the knowledge and testimony that I have and for how much it's grown over the last 20 years of life and especially the last 7 months.  They surprised me with two bags of peanut butter M&M's from the American store.  I didn't even know there was an American store.  I have no idea where it even is but if it ends up being in my area one of these transfers I will be one happy camper.  I had forgotten that we had even talked about peanut butter M&Ms at their house before.  It made me feel really loved.  
Then we gapped it right over to Jesse Pappas' house for MCM.  We had a quick meeting and then his wife went down stairs and like 5 mins later asked Jesse if he would finish the meeting so that we could all leave.  We came down stairs and they had made a cake for me as well!  I had trouble sleeping this night from too much sugar.  It was cool to see how many people just wanted to help make my day special. 
 Then we went home and our house was completely decorated from top to bottom outside.  I counted this morning as I cleaned up.  There were 115 heart shaped sticky notes outside.  That was from our District Leader Elder Beck and his companion Elder Faitua.  It was just awesome!  Then we went inside and our Sister Training Leaders Sister Manu and Sister Teriipaia had decorated our room.  There were glow sticks leading from our front door to our bedroom.  They had candy and fruit and pictures and balloons everywhere! I slightly teared up at all of the love that I felt from when I woke up until I went to sleep.  It was just awesome!  
 General Conference was amazing!!!  It's so weird watching it a week late but I loved what Robert D. Hales said.  He said that it doesn't matter where or how we are gathered to watch conference all that matters is that we are there to be edified by the spirit.  Even though I was just watching a recording and not watching it live I still felt the Spirit stronger than I have in a long time.  Some of my favorite talks were Brother Dube's talk about not looking back.  I related it to missionary work of course.  I have seen so many less actives that have served faithful full time missions and then they return here and just fall away.  I had someone say, "But he's a return missionary."  During a conversation about one of the ward members.  When Brother Dube said to not look back I thought about that.  I agreed that he has served a mission but now it's time for him to see what his priesthood responsibilities are now that he is home and to further his missionary efforts.  I know I wont be perfect when I return and I'm not saying that this brother is unable to change but it really opened my eyes to the title of "Return Missionary."  I loved the theme of Member Missionaries.  We as full-time missionaries really can't do this work without members help.  We've been blessed with some incredible members in the ward that I am in now. I also loved President Uchtdorf's talk but then again who didn't?  I loved loved loved the musical number from the family choir at the beginning of that Saturday afternoon session.  It was so moving.  I loved every bit of it.  I felt like Elder Christofferson's talk rebuked me a bit.  I felt the weight of being a woman in the gospel really fall upon my shoulders.  I have a list of things from different quotes from this conference that I'm going to immediately start changing and applying to myself.  I feel like most conference's are that wake-up call to the things you can do better.  The Sunday morning Session overall was my favorite.  President Eyring will always be my favorite speaker.  His stories always touch me.  Sister Oscarson and Elder Nelson's talks really had a strong impact on me as well.  I don't know why those hit me as strong as they did.  I was definitely spiritually fed from this conference.  
 Other random things from this week.  If I had to title October something this is what it would be, "October: The month of vicious mosquitoes and mating magpies." I have acquired 14 mosquito bites this week.  5 of which swelled up really nicely and they all have tried my self control as to not itching the living tar out of them.  I have tried all kinds of things on them but over all I just have to hold my hands in my lap and try to get my mind off of the itch. 
 It is Spring here and the Magpie birds are very territorial.  Sister Kennar the other day while we were biking was attacked by one as we rode down the street.  I felt really useless as I saw it sweep at her head 2 or 3 different times.  She finally turned off the footpath and the bird left her alone.  That was a sight that I won't soon forget haha. 
With it being Spring we have some days where I think we are finally going to have sunshine from here on out and then it just rains the next day.  I sang "Rain rain go away!"  The other day when it started raining during comp study.   It's been awful coming from winter into winter.  I should have had a summer by now and my body is just craving vitamin D from the sun.  I can't wait for the hot weather. 
For District meeting last week we did my favorite activity so far on my mission.  Everyone realized that I am the oldest kid after we finished this activity.  We were told by Elder Beck that we were going to draw a story from the Book of Mormon, share them with the district, and you had to find two other scriptures that backed up the gospel principle that we can learn from that story.  It was awesome!!! I'll send you a picture of what I drew.  You should all try it for an FHE.  It was really a fun activity.  I did it with a family in out ward and even the 5 year old drew and awesome picture of Nephi to which she sang, "I will go and do!"  It was really cute. 
That's all for this week I love you all and thank every single one of you for your birthday wishes.  This was the greatest birthday :) 
Love you all!
Sister Shayne
Thank you all sooo much for the birthday package!  I love it!  The letters were great!
Dad- I'm sorry you are feeling old.  I'm feeling it with you!  I can't believe I'm 20.  It's such a crazy thought that I'm entering my 3rd decade of life.  Sunday was really special because 7 months ago I entered the MTC and 12 years ago I entered the waters of baptism :)  A decision that has effected my life and now I've seen it bless so many others as well!
Mom- Thank you for all of the updates about everyone! Thank you for the eating tips as well.  I actually cut out buying bread from my shopping list about 5 weeks ago so I'm glad I'm sort of on the right track.  I really appreciate the help.  I'm glad that you all get to be a part of Zack's setting apart this week.  I can't wait to hear all about it.  Give him a big hug for me before he gets set apart! I was glad to hear about PJ and Jacob. 
Soph- I loved your letter.  I love being able to chat with you on p-days.  School sounds just awesome!  Mr. Candland and Ms. Schuler are the best!!! I love them.  Tell them I said hi :) I can't wait to hear about your first swim meet of the season and how the play goes.  Sounds like you are doing well and staying busy.
Josh- Your birthday sounded awesome!  Sorry about your ankle.  I hope it's healed alright.  I still am in awe at how much you have grown.  I saw your school picture and just wanted to cry because my little brother is big and is becoming a man.  It's crazy!  I can't believe that Tayson gets home soon! That was crazy news to me! I'm glad PV beat DHHS at Homecoming!  That's the best thing I've heard for our school in a long time!  It looks to be a great year for PV!
Ben-  Way to run the Color Me Rad with Alex! Mom said you two finished first!  That's soo awesome!  I'm glad that school is going well.  Crazy that they got new teachers for 4th grade.  I'm sure it will be great. 
David-  I love hearing updates on your football and all of the fun things that you are doing.  Tell mom to send lots of pictures of your football and things.  I loved your school picture.  I can't wait to show it off to everyone :) 
I was ecstatic to see a letter from Chase and the Cluff boys!  That seriously was the best birthday present ever!  Thank you for all of the things in the package.  I'm grateful for the necklace that Grandpa and Grandma sent me as well.  It's going to be perfect!  I can't wait to write everyone back.
I'll be sending Christmas presents during this next transfer sometime.  Mom is the only one who can open these boxes and wrap the gifts.  Mom's will already be partially wrapped so she wont know what she is getting.  I hope you all like what I'll send. 
I got a letter from Brad and Ashley about baby Henry!!!!!! I'm soo excited for them!
I loved that they sang Love at Home for one of the Conference numbers.  It just made me smile :)
And last but not least I hope you all know that I love you with all my heart.  Sometimes my letters may be dull or not very good but I really do want you to know that even the times that I'm a dumb big sister I love you and miss you more than you know.  I can't believe how fast time has flown and I'll be home before you know it.  I love you all and can't wait to hear all about your fun weekend. 
All my love from down under,
Sister Shayne

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