has been the most golden of weeks here in Golden Bay. Our Zone Leaders
have said that they are going to paint our car gold because of the
awesome week we have had. I even painted my nails gold this morning.
We have been so blessed. This last week we found 5 new investigators,
invited 3 people to be baptized, and set specific dates for baptism with
two of those three! I'll tell you a little bit about these
We will start with Jess. Jess has been investigating the church for
about 4 years now. We did a drop by visit last Monday and she just
needed us. We shared an awesome lesson about forgiveness and the
atonement. She told us of some things in her life that helped us
understand all of the guilt that she has been carrying. She agreed to
meet with Bishop Mandin to help her heal. We opened the calendar on her
phone and told her to pick a date to be baptized. She has a lot of
healing to do and we told her that she can have Christ's atonement fill
the broken parts of her life. She is ready for that to happen. She
picked the 8th of May. We are so proud of her for taking these steps
and moving closer to Christ.
Next is Jordy. Jordy comes from a part member family. His nan,
older sisters, and cousin are all members but his mum and dad are not.
We've been over a couple of time since I've been here and we've realized
that this family needs to not only be fully in the gospel but that
their home really stands in need of a better spirit. The sisters don't
get a long and the oldest sister thinks her mum is ruining her life.
They desperately need the spirit of contention to leave their home.
Last week I told you about Kylie and Ally. Kylie is Jordy's mum. When
we went and met with her two weeks ago she expressed that Jordy wants to
be baptized and she would love to see him go on a mission some day. On
Wednesday we went and taught the family about God's love for them, how
living the gospel will bless their family, and how God calls prophets to
help us. We set some house rules as well. I wrote up 3 rules on a
piece of paper and laminated it. #1 Pray daily #2 Scriptures daily #3
Church every Sunday. We discussed them and decided that they would each
read one verse around the dinner table before anyone was allowed to
eat. I thought that was a great idea. One verse is all it takes some
times. We decided as a family to have him baptized on the 19th of
April. The family is going to work together to help him be prepared for
that date. I've been praying really hard for their family. They need
the blessings that come from actually living the gospel.
Our last baptismal invite was with our friend Te Ava. Te Ava is
the cousin of some members in the ward. We went over and taught them
the Plan of Salvation this week. We were talking about our life here on
earth and how Christ set the perfect example for us. We kept using the
work baptism and Te Ava asks, "Does someone have to be baptized in
order to live with God again?" We smiled and said yes and invited him
to follow Christ's example and be baptized. He said that he would once
he found out that it is true. We will continue teaching him and helping
him receive that answer for himself.
Here are some fun stories from our efforts of finding this week.
Sister Murray and I were tracting a street called Maddox. We couldn't
figure out what the front door was on this house so we just knocked on
one. A lady poked her head through the curtain and said, "That's not
the front door! Go around to the other street!" We walked around and
quickly realized that we were on the side of her house and not the
front. She has a beautiful house and 5 super cute kids. Her name is
Kate. We got a good laugh out of it and it was an awesome ice breaker.
We are going back on Tuesday to talk to her about the Plan of
Salvation. She is a nice lady :)
Another day of tracting we met our friend Delroy. Sister Murray
and I picked a street and when we got to it it only had two houses that
were actual homes. The rest were still under construction. I said,
"Well someone in one of these houses needs our message!" We got to the
front door and it had the most flash doorknob I had ever seen. It was
like a Samsung phone with a door handle. You had to put in a code to
get the door to unlock instead of a key. Again that was our ice breaker
when Delroy answered the door. We talked for a bit and learned heaps
about him. He is from Zimbabwe and has just recently turned back to
Christ. He was addicted to smoking pot and all kinds of things for a
long time. He said that he is 7 weeks clean and is ready to bring God
back into his life. We talked about prophets and how General Conference
is coming up. He was really keen on the idea of a living prophet. We
are excited to go back this week and teach him all about the
Restoration. It will be a good lesson.
Last but definitely not least we have these two YSA girls in our
ward that we absolutely adore. Their names are Emma and Caitlin. They
come out with us all the time. Caitlin is planning on submitting her
mission papers in August. Emma is from North Carolina and Caitlin is
originally form California. They are moving back to the states in a
couple of months. I told them that they need to take a trip to St.
George come September to see me. We had dinner with them and Jess on
Saturday night. These girls are so strong. I love them so much. It's
amazing to see how people really do stand up for what they believe.
Sometimes it isn't easy but with these two I know that it is always
easier when you surround yourself with people that have the same
standards as you.
Last night we had dinner at a members home. After our spiritual thought they shared one with us. If you ever been on and have looked through the videos of people you may have come across this video
of William Hopoate. He is well known here and when people hear his
story they are more willing to listen to us. Well William is home now
and this is his latest interview
. He is a legend. When it comes to standing up for what you believe
Will sets a really good example for us all. I've chuckled in meetings
at church when leaders say, "Wow there was a lot at conference about
going to the rescue and member missionary work." They say it and then
just disregard it. I want all of you who are reading this to realize
that the missionary work can't progress any farther than we currently
are without each and every one of us opening our mouths, standing up,
and sharing the gospel in our own ways. It can be as simple as posting
these video's on to your facebook page. That is a simple as way to
share your testimony. This week I encourage all of you to find some way
that you can share the gospel. Heavenly Father gave you your testimony
for a reason. He placed you where you are right now in your life for a
reason. There is someone who needs to hear the gospel from you. I
know you can all do it. We are going to keep moving the water here.
Help your missionaries bring forth the Kingdom of God. I love you all.
I hope your Spring Break was awesome. I celebrated my year mark with
an ice cream cake with Te Ava and the Mclean family and then we burnt a
skirt. It's a mission tradition. I used one that I found in an old
flat don't worry mum. Everything here is going great and I pray for
yous daily. Have a great week!

Much love,
Sister Shayne
Heavenly Father told me Happy One Year mark by giving us the most
beautiful sunset I've ever seen. I wish my camera did it justice.
This is the foreshore. Sister Murray and I just sat here for hours last pday. It made me really happy :)
I told Caitlin that when I finish my mission I would come keep her
parents company while she goes and serves her mission. This is the view
from her living room. They have a dock to put a boat or to go paddle
board off of. I was pretty jealous.
One happy Sister Beckstrand
We had enchiladas for dinner :) Again this made me a really happy
sister missionary. I requested dinner and they requested that we teach
them about enduring to the end. It was a good trade if you ask me.
This is Jaden. We had strawberry shortcake for dinner and he went a
little happy with the whipped cream. He had a full mouthful and then
someone made him laugh and he shot it everywhere!!! It was soooo
funny! I had to grab my camera as quick as possible to catch the
moment and this is Emma and our beautiful enchiladas.
Makes me cry every week. So proud of my little roommate.