weeks email's subject is brought to you by our Zone Leaders, Elder
Jordan and Elder Mason. On Monday we had our Miracle Monday where we
saw heaps of miracles within our zone. As a zone (24 missionaries) we
found 12 new investigators and set 3 new baptismal dates! On Tuesday
for p-day all of us went bowling to celebrate. It was great, we played 3
games. Sister Tomaki had never bowled before. If you look at our
scores she did pretty dang good for her first time. Our district was
crowned winners of the Monday Miracle Madness competition. We were
pretty pumped. Then at Zone Meeting on Wednesday we walked in and the
Zone Leaders had written on the board, "ARE YOU PUMPED?!" We did an
activity where everyone blew up 2 balloons and on them wrote things that
pumped us up to go do work. Elder Jordan asked Elder Poole, "Elder
Poole, if you stood on your 2 balloons would they hold you up?" To
which Elder Poole replied, "No, I'm too fat!" Elder Jordan said, "Do
you all think that if we combined our pump that we would be able to hold
us all up?" We were pretty skeptical that it would work. They had us
throw all of our balloons to the front of the room. Then the put one
of those big church tables on it! The balloons held the table totally
fine. Then Elder Jordan in all of his excitement and enthusiasm fully
jumped onto the table! Not a single balloon popped. He looked at his
companion and said, "Elder Mason are you pumped?!" Elder Mason is of
course super pumped and jumped up on the table next to his companion.
Elder Jordan then proceeded to ask each district leader if they too were
pumped. Then they added the Sister Training Leaders as well! There
were 8 people on that table that was still being upheld by the balloons
that they rested on. We couldn't believe it. We added Elders until the
balloons finally popped. It was a really cool object lesson.
The District Leaders :) This is them on the table. The Zone Leaders are behind them.
Then on
Thursday the Zone Leader came and dropped of balloons to our flat that
had things about us written on it that they admired and that pumped them
up. It was accompanied with cookies :) I had a water bottle sitting
on the counter while we were weekly planning that Sister Tomaki just
laughed at. The bottle company is called PUMP! We took our lunch break
to create these for our Zone Leaders. The Sister Training Leaders took
them to the Zone Leaders flat when we did an exchange with them. We
thought we were clever.
From the Zone Leaders :)
From us :)
#2 Our District Leader Elder Eti last week told us that there was a
part member family that just moved into our ward. Sister Williams is
active and all 4 of her boys are active and have been baptized. Her son
Helaman actually gave a talk in sacrament meeting yesterday and I
couldn't help but think, "he is going to be an amazing missionary some
day." They are a great family. They are from Samoa. We had a dinner
with them on Friday night. Brother Williams is not a member. He as
incredible faith in Jesus Christ though. He has always been really
religious. We shared a message with them and then Sister Williams said,
"My husband just has a lot of questions." He denied her claim but
after a few more minutes of talking he said, "Okay I only have a couple
of questions." We smiled and asked what they were. He wanted to know
about the Kingdoms of Glory, the Godhead, the apostasy and the
essentially the fact that the church needed to be restored. He has
golden questions! We set up another time to go back and answer his
questions. I can't wait for our lesson with him on Wednesday. I'm so
grateful that I've studied up on the Bible so that I can show him all of
his answers in both the Bible and the Book of Mormon. I'm fully
confident that he is going to be baptized in the next couple of months.
He is going to be a mean member of the church!
#3 The Fiti family. I told you a little about them last week.
The mum has been wanted to come back to church for a while now but
didn't have the support or drive. The dad was baptized only a few years
ago and then fell away pretty quickly afterwards. We went around last
week and shared a message about how we all want to be ready when the
Savior comes again. We set the daughter Kaya on date to be baptized on
the 31st of next month. Well we had a lesson with them on Saturday that
fell through. We make things happen though and Sunday night after
dinner we said a special prayer that they would be home. They were
home! They had only gotten home about 10 minutes before we showed up
:) Prayers are answered. We shared the Restoration with their family
and had the mum, dad, and older brother talk about how they've felt the
Holy Ghost in their lives, the importance of a prophet to them, and how
needed the priesthood is. It was powerful to hear them bare their
testimonies on things they haven't been aware of for a while. After
reciting Joseph Smith's first vision the 10 year old son said, "Is that a
true story?" I responded with, "that is for each of us to find out for
ourselves." Kaya said, "I think it is." I looked her in the eye and
just smiled as I said, "I know it is." Sister Tomaki and I were able to
bear powerful testimonies of how we know that this church is true. You
could have cut the spirit in that room with a knife. We talked more
about the things that we needed to do with them leading up to Kaya's
baptism and how we wanted to help their family. They all committed to
read and pray daily. On the way out the dad said, "We've been a little
slack lately but then you Sisters always come and make it happen." I've
been incredibly humbled by the miracles that we've been able to be a
part of here in Golden Bay. I'm grateful that Heaven Father trusts me
with these precious children.
Bowling photos and scores
The outlook by our house.
Me and my companion
The Lord's vineyard of WA :) 
A servant in the Lord's vineyard :) I thought I was funny.
ANZAC day dawn ceremony. This was really cool. We went and met up with
the youth from our ward and their leaders at 5:30 in the morning. The
ceremony is to remember all of the soldiers of war here in OZ and in
NZ. It started with a "Welcome to the land" by one of the aboriginal
elders in the community. He played the didgeridoo :) It was amazing.
It was a great experience that I'm glad we sacrificed our sleep for.
Missionaries from our Zone at bowling.