G'day family!
week flew by! I feel like it was just Monday. Last Monday we cleaned,
emailed, shopped, and then went and hung out with Emma Harper until our
dinner appointment. Tuesday was just a full miracle day! We went to
Zone Meeting at the Rockingham chapel where we were trained all about
our authority and our power. Quote of the meeting, "Our setting apart
gives us our authority. Our obedience gives us our power." While at
Zone meeting we got a call from a girl named Toree. Toree is in another
ward in our stake. We called her back later and she asked if we
covered Secret Harbor. We said that we did and she told us that she has
a friend that wants to know about the gospel. She asked what we were
doing that day and we set up an appointment to come by at 5 and teach a
lesson. When we went we got to know her and asked her what her favorite
thing was that her friends have been telling her about. Of course as a
17 year old girl her favorite thing wast he idea that her family can be
together forever. We taught her the Plan of Salvation and committed
her to pray. She said the closing prayer and it was incredible! It was
the best 'first prayer' I've ever heard! We asked her how she felt and
she just teared up. We invited her right then and there to be
baptized. She said yes and we set her on date for the 10th of May!!!
She is solid as!!! We went back to teacher her all about the
Restoration on Friday and were planning on giving her a Book of Mormon.
She already had one and had already read the introduction and
testimonies in the beginning of it! That NEVER happens! She is soo
prepared. That is living, breathing proof of what happens when members
know, live, and share their beliefs and testimony with others. Your
friends see the light in you as you live the gospel. The missionaries
are here to teach and it is what we have been set apart to do. When we
get calls like the one from Toree we know that we have found an elect
child of God who is ready for baptism. She went to church on Sunday
with her mate Toree and loved it! She said she just cried through
testimony meeting. I'm so excited to work with her.
Tuesday night we received a text from President that read, " Dear
Missionaries, Tonight, Elder Boynton boarded a flight to return home to
England for treatment of thyroid cancer. His early departure is a
sadness for all of us." For the last 2-3 transfers Elder Boynton hasn't
been eating properly but has been putting on weight. He noticed a lump
in his throat that wouldn't go away so they got it checked out. We
had a mission fast in his behalf yesterday. It was heart breaking to
get that news. We called President just before he sent that text and
Elder Boynton was with him on the way to the airport. It touched my
heart and brought me to tears that night as I thought that our special
little miracle with Tiana may have been the last mission miracle that he
heard before he left.
Another miracle came from a blitz in our area on Saturday. We had
10 missionaries come help us find the elect in our area. We had a mean
miracle come from it. Sister Murray and Sister Bailey went tracting on
a street that we had prayed about and met the Greentree family.
Brother Greentree was baptized down in Esperence ages ago when. His
family was talking to missionaries but the missionaries were taken from
that area and then the branch down there was no longer a branch. They
just moved into the area! They know members here! The dad does fly in
fly out work so we set up a FHE with them for next Monday. We are so
oxcited to teach a family! THe mum and all 3 kids are baptism age.
Ahhh!! Getting to teach a family is seriously the greatest blessing.
We must be doing something right here in Golden Bay!
Last night we watched the General Women's Broadcast. I cried
through the whole thing. This gospel is amazing. The force that
Sisters in this gospel have is incredible. I love that we have so much
to learn from each other. I couldn't help but think about all of the
ladies in the ward back at home sitting and watching the conference last
week. I thought about the girl power in my family and especially all
of the Sister Missionaries that are serving around the world. It's just
Other random things from this week:
We had the
JW's knock on our door this week. That was a fun little conversation.
They noticed the badge straight away and just gave us their little
flier and left.
My red pen died on me this week. Why is that of enough
significance to be added into my email home? It's the red pen I bought
at the MTC. It lasted me over a year! It was like a little funeral
having to throw it away and get a new one.
The 21st is ANZAC day here and will be another holiday. Pday will be moved to our Tuesday and your Monday. Just a heads up.
is a pukana. Sister Murray has been trying to teach me how to do this
all transfer long. In the haka the boys do it and they stick out their
tongue. Girls don't stick out their tongue. They just make these ugly
and scary as faces to be intimidating. Our elders were proud of me :)
Last but definitely not least we got transfer calls late last
night. I can't believe this transfer is already over. I feel like I
just got with Sister Murray. I will be staying in Golden Bay and
training a new missionary!!! I am soooo excited! I had a feeling about
a week and a bit ago that I would be training again. It is exactly
what I need. I'm excited to meet my new Sister this Thursday! I'll
tell you all about her next week. I know she is going to be great.
That's all for this week! I hope you all have an awesome
week! I was pumped to hear about the SHAC TRI and all of the great
things that are going on back at home. I miss you all heaps and love
you more that you'll ever know!
All my love,
Sister Shayne
Pic #1 This is our morning exercises. Sister Murray squats me. No big deal.

Pic #2 This was a failed attempt of capturing our squat. This also pretty much summarizes this whole transfer :)
Pic #3 This was my chocolate chic that Caitlin bought for me :) It made me pretty happy.
This is me and Sister Murray before church
This is our all brown district after church
This is a pukana :)
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