Monday, June 17, 2013

What A Week!

Wow this has been a great week in Clarkson!
Just some little stuff first. 1. I set you some pictures in the mail today. I figured out how to send them on here but I don't think I'll have enough time today because I have heaps to tell you. 2. My p-day next week will be on the 27th. We have been issued that day to go to the temple! So we will be moving p-day to that day so we don't miss out on opportunities to find, and teach. 3. Transfers are on Wednesday. We find out tomorrow at Zone Meeting who is going where and what not so I'll let you know when I email you next week.
One highlight from my week was the lesson we had with the Sam family. I think I've told you about them. The parents Mohi and Barbra are members as well as their 14 year old daughter Jai. Their sons Jason (25) and Zac (20) however are not members. Zac had a baptism date set but never followed through with it. We showed a video about how the gospel changed this kids life and then shared 1 Nephi 8 where Lehi partakes of the fruit of the tree of life and desires for his family to partake as well. We asked Brother Sam how he found the gospel, how he knew it was true, and how it has made a difference in his life since. It brought the spirit into the room soo quickly. Everyone could feel it. After he answered those questions I asked him what it would mean for him to have all of his family partake of the fruit that he has. The spirit couldn't have been more present. We then asked the boys what they have noticed about their dad since he joined the church and if it would be something they could see blessing their lives. I could see the spirit touch Jason's heart as he answered us. He has a lot of worldly things he will need to change before he gets to baptism but I know that we sparked something in his heart. I want so badly for their family to be able to go to the temple and be sealed together. I feel so at home when we visit them. We told them how much we love their family and love visiting them because we feel like we are at home. We said that we have nothing to give them in return but the opportunity for their family to be together with that love that they share for eternity. I was on cloud nine leaving their house that night.
Wednesday was the complete opposite of feelings. We did another day of tracting with the other sisters in our area. Sister Teriipaia and I walked up to a lady weeding in her front lawn and offered our help. She asked who we were and invited us inside to chat with her family. At first we were thinking, "Sweet! Meet the family, teach a lesson, this is good stuff!" Then we went inside and met her husband, daughter, and granddaughter. First words out of the husbands mouth was, "We are all Jehovah Witness here." We tried to just share a quick thought, bear testimony and get out but we had passed the point of no return. We were stuck in the house for a good 20 minutes just being bashed on. They didn't give us any opportunity to say our belief on anything, they just took the opportunity we had put ourselves in to tell us off about what they thought we believed. I tried soo hard to just bear testimony and leave but they wouldn't have it. I just sat there and smiled at them, staring them in the eye, as they talked and tried to tear me down. I couldn't help but think, "Some day after this life you and I will stand before the bar of God and you will wish you would have let me at least bear my testimony." We finally found the opportunity to get out. We met up with the other sisters and I felt like my soul had just been wrung dry. I am soo grateful for the Plan of Salvation. I know that God has a plan perfectly laid out for each and every one of us. "Adam fell that men might be, and men are, that they might have joy." Mom, I've never loved your favorite scripture more than I did that day. I know I'm hear on earth for a reason. God sent us here to learn, grow, and prepare ourselves to meet him again. I'm so grateful for the Book of Mormon. The bible has many great truths but like Joseph Smith said in the introduction of the Book of Mormon, "No man can get closer to God than by reading this book and abiding by it's precepts." I know that the fullness of the truth of Christ's gospel has been restored to the earth. Anyone who challenges that can just read the book for themselves and then pray to know. It's a simple method but if done with a sincere heart and real intent to act upon their answer the Holy Ghost will testify to them the truth. I know it.
I love you all so much. I love reading your emails every week. I'm sorry if I don't have time to reply to them all and if I do that the replies are short but know that I do love each of you soo much. It's a major boost to hear from you all every week. Keep the faith, share the hope. Have a sweet as summer :)
All my love,
Sister Shayne

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