Sunday, June 30, 2013

New Place, New Calling and 1st Baptism!

Okay so this week has been totally crazy.  I moved to a new area this last week.  On Monday night I got a call from President asking my to be a Sister Training Leader (basically a Sister Zone Leader).  He didn't tell me where I was going to serve but asked if I would accept the responsibility and set the example with my companion on what an obedient missionary is supposed to be and help uplift and support our Zone.  I happy agreed.  The next day I found out that I would be going to the Wanneroo area in the North Coast Zone. (same zone I was already in) My new companion isn't so new to me.  I am companions with Sister Ensign, my MTC companion!  Crazy right?  They put two sisters from Utah who have been in Australia for 2 months together to be the Sister Training Leaders of a zone.  It's terrifying but I guess the Lord has a lot of trust in us.  We are definitely going to relying on Him more than ever I reckon. 

This area is amazing.  We had a baptism of 3 wonderful children on Saturday.  I only met them a few times before they were baptized but I found an instant love for them. Bobkie is 16, Malad is 10, and Blessing is 11.  Bobkie and Malad are brothers and Blessing is their cousin.  The baptismal service was incredible.  I don't know if I have the words to describe it.  The spirit was remarkable.  Blessing and Malad bore their testimonies afterwards and brought the whole room to tears.  Malad had a simple testimony that he knows the church is true because he asked God if it and the Book of Mormon are true and God told him that they are.  He will be an apostle someday.  Blessing said, "Before I met the sisters I figured all there was to life was me listening to my music and just going by day to day.  I'm grateful that I met the sisters and that they were able to help me learn for myself that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me and that there is more to life than just listening to my music."  The spirit was soo strong. 
We have several investigators that are super keen and ready to be baptized but we are awaiting permission from their parents.  I've really been opening my heart to have more charity and love for everyone around me.  I think it's something that I will always have to work on, it's slowing coming along.  At District meeting this last Tuesday we made a District goal to get 18 new investigators this week.  It's a very attainable goal but some missionaries have doubts and wouldn't take it seriously.  It broke my heart to see their faith in themselves and the areas that they are working in boil down to almost nothing.  It kept coming to mind so much that I asked Sister Ensign that night if she would fast with me for our District.  That they my be able to keep their fire burning and their desire and determination going strong.  We thought about them and prayed for them heaps yesterday.  I really want to see their confidence increase and to see them succeed.  We ended up having the Balcatta Sisters and the Zone Leaders call us with miracles that they had during the day.  Fasting and prayer works!  In the scriptures it says that "they did fast and pray oft".  It brings forth miracles if you work for them. 


I was able to go to the temple today with my Zone and President ans Sister Lindsay.  I cried the whole time I was there.  I couldn't help but think of baptisms with Sophie and Josh.  I thought about driving around town with Ben and David and all of the times that we would go get snow cones down at Harmon's.  I haven't had a snowcone here and I miss them.  I can't believe how awesome everyone's summers have bee so far.  I hope the little boys all have an awesome time in Lehi while everyone is at Girls Camp.  Can't wait to hear all of the stories.  Ben keep up the good work in swimming.  Pretty sure you will be faster than me by the time I get home.  David I hope you are having fun with all of your swim lessons and camps that you've been able to do.  You two are awesome!  I miss you tons.  Don't ever forget how much I love you.  Even though I am half way around the world I think about you every day.  Every boy I see kicking a soccer ball or just playing with their friends makes me think of you.  Sister Lindsay gave me a huge hug in the Celestial room today at the temple and I thought of the first time I went through and when we went for Jaden's endowment.  Mom gave me a huge hug and said, "This is what it is going to be like in the Celestial Kingdom." 
 I miss you all loads. I wish I had more time to write because this hour never does any justice.  Have an awesome week!  I love you all :)
All my love,
Sister Shayne

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