Lastly Friday night was the best
night I've had in a really really long time. I haven't been in the
temple since I think last August or so when I was training Sister
Kennar. Sister Tomaki and I about a month ago found a family name on my Grandpa Shelton's side to take to
the temple to be baptized for. Well Friday night was our ward temple
night so we got to go with Jordan and Sione (Sister Mutu's daughter and
son-in-law). On Thursday Sister Tomaki was asking me heaps of questions
about baptisms for the dead and then it clicked in my head that she had
never done baptisms for the dead before! The closest temple to Vanuatu
is Fiji. The first time she had been to a temple was when she was at
the MTC in New Zealand and went through for her endowment. With
realizations like this I always seem to send a chastisement home...haha
brace yourselves. We are sooo blessed to live so close to a temple that
we could walk if we really needed to. Josh and Dad I know could ride
their bikes there with ease. With it being summer break I hope you have
all gone at least once a week. Sister Tomaki said that in order to get
married in the temple she will have to get a degree and job first so
that they can save and save and save to fly to Fiji to be sealed. What
an incredible blessing we have to be able to just go sit at the temple
grounds when we are having a bad day. You never really notice how nice
you have it until it is gone or you hear others experiences. I biggest
excuse is that we are too busy. Sister Dench the other day
at church said, "BUSY: Being Under Satan's Yoke." How true that is.
Sophie always said a quote to me that said, "If you are too busy to
read your scriptures and pray [and I'll add go to the temple], then you
are busier then God ever intended you to be." Let us be the
temple-attending people that President Monson says we are. I haven't
done baptisms for the dead for nearly 2 years now and I can't explain
how close I felt to heaven as I was baptized for my ancestor Mrs. Ann
week I am emailing you from our Relief Society Presidents house.
Yesterday she came up to us at church ad said, "Sisters, I need your
help tomorrow. I need a couple copies of the Book of Mormon and a
Restoration DVD. I have the JW's coming over. Can you be at my house
at 9:30?" She let us bring our washing and do our emails while we wait
for them to show up :) It should be interesting.
Last Monday we were supposed to go
to the zoo with our Elders and the Sister Training Leaders. I told the
Sister Training Leaders that they needed to be at our train station by
2 in order to have time to go. At 3:40 they were just leaving their
area to drive down. I told them to just stay up there because it wasn't
worth the drive because it wouldn't give us enough time for the zoo
anyway. They were sad. We ended up just going over to Aeronny's house
with the Elders and playing soccer at the park by their house. It was
awesome. Our goals were the Elder's shoes. The goals were about a
meter wide and our field was really small. Elder Eti, Elder Cook and I
were on one team and Sister Tomaki, Elder Maughan, and Elder Tiuera made
up the other team. About halfway through Elder Eti said, "Okay
Islanders vs Americans now!" We all just laughed. We didn't switch up
the teams because we knew we would get smashed. I was glad that we made
a could-have-been-sour p-day into one where we had heaps of fun.
This week we went and saw the
Ingrams. Sister Ingram was raised in the church but with being so far
away from family and having her husband work away for 28 days and be
home for only 9 days it makes getting to church and things hard for her.
She has 3 kids and one on the way. We went and visited them a few
weeks ago and have seen them every week since. Her daughter is named
Bree. She is about to turn 8 and wants to be baptized. Her mum said
she doesn't want to have her be baptized right when she turns 8 because
she doesn't think she's been raised with it well enough to make
the decision. We have started teaching their family the missionary
lessons. We were really excited because the Plan of Salvation lesson
was planned for the week dad was supposed to be home. We walked in and
Wayne, the dad, was laying on the couch with his leg in a brace from his
hip to his ankle. I knew straight away what he had done. He had taken
a funny jump while playing basketball during his day off at the mines
and tore this patella tendon which is the tendon that holds your kneecap
in place. He showed me some awesome pictures that Sister
Tomaki shuddered at. He will be home for the next 6 weeks at least with
his leg in that brace. He went straight in for surgery and came out
with about 20 staples down the front of his knee. We talked about the
Plan of Salvation that night and the Spirit was so strong. For their
commitment we invited them to write down the next thing they need to do
in order to get to the Celestial Kingdom. I encourage all of you to do
this. For Sister Tomaki and I we joked that our next step is to finish
our missions so we can get married. We have taught this lesson to a lot
of families in the ward where boys need the priesthood, someone needs a
patriarchal blessing to help them know what their next step is,
people preparing for missions, little ones preparing for baptism, and
the list goes on and on. For each of us the next step in order to
achieve the big step are the little answers we already know and love;
to come to church, read our scriptures, and say our prayers. So write
down your next needed ordinance and the things that you need to do to
help you get there. It's a great activity to make sure everyone is on
the right path back home. :)
They are just waiting for us to get into gear. Grandma
Shelton always told us that the more people we help by doing their work
in the temple the more people we have pleading for Heavenly Father to
let us in to heaven when we pass on. I don't know about you but I
definitely feel like I will need their help to get there in the end.
The temple is a beautiful place. I wouldn't trade
my recommend for anything in this world. I cherish my temple recommend.
I hope you all have a great week and make that time to go serve the
Lord in His holy house. I love you all can't wait to hear about how the
first swim practices and meets go. Train hard Ben and David. I'm
pretty sure you will both be better than me by the time I get home. Ben
will have to teach me how to sprint and David will have to teach me
the strokes :) Love you all!
Much love,
Sister Shayne
If you are with me on this reading
then in the next day or so you should be finished with the first 7 books
in the Book of Mormon!. How exciting :)
2 Nephi
27:7,9,15-17 Compare this to the
story of the Book of Mormon translations got to Professor Charles Anton
in Joseph Smith History 1:64-65
28:2 The Book of Mormon is of great worth unto us
28:21-22 Don't give in to Satan
29:6-9 Touchdown! Book of Mormon for the win!
ALL OF CHAPTER 31 This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ
32:3 Feast upon the words of Christ
33:3 Every missionary has felt this.
33:10-15 Nephi will see us at the judgement bar! What will we have to say about the words that Nephi has written for us?
2:18-19 Seek God's will first. Then if your intent for other desires is righteous then you will be rich.
4:4 Why the plates were written.
God has put your where you are for a reason. Even if you feel like you
have been put int he worst spot possible He has a greater purpose
behind it.
5:41 This is how God feels about us when we let the world affect us.
5:61-62 October 2012?
7:9-11 Heck ya another touchdown! Read your scriptures :)
1:27 I want to be able to say this and hear Heavenly Father tell that to me.
I saw Sister Hadlock at a Stake Relief Society thing on Saturday. We
had to get a picture because I don't think I'll see her again before she
leaves in August. A bunch of the sisters are going home a transfer
early for school. Sister Wyatt, Sister Ensign and I are the only 3 I
know that are staying til September.
Went tracting the other night. I couldn't find my bug stray. Said a prayer I wouldn't get eaten alive. My prayer wasn't answered. I counted 15 bites in all. Sleeping is really impossible. It takes so much self control to not itch. I have awesome cream to put on it that Sister Lindsay gave me last time I got attacked in Alexander Heights when I was serving with Sister Terry.
Went tracting the other night. I couldn't find my bug stray. Said a prayer I wouldn't get eaten alive. My prayer wasn't answered. I counted 15 bites in all. Sleeping is really impossible. It takes so much self control to not itch. I have awesome cream to put on it that Sister Lindsay gave me last time I got attacked in Alexander Heights when I was serving with Sister Terry.
I also burnt my hand while I was curling my hair for church on Sunday.
I was reaching for another piece of hair as I let the hair that was in
the curling iron out. The bare iron brushed against my hand. I ran it
under cool water and then applied cream. I turned out way worse than
it originally felt.
This is my cute companion. I love this sister!
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