Wow this has been an amazing week. Last Monday at our lunch with President Lindsay he asked Sister Ensign and I if we would be willing to come to the mission home the next day and welcome a new sister into the mission and into our companionship. We were excited and of course willing to have her in our companionship. Her name is Sister Rooti (Rose) Kanee (Ka-nay). She is from Kiribati near the Marshall Islands. She has been serving in her home country since January but just barely got her visa! Crazy right?! 7 months later and she is finally in the right mission. She was baptized only 2 and a half years ago. She is the only member in her family. She has an amazing testimony and has brought a whole new light into our companionship. We are the only companionship in a 3way. We will have all three of us together for the next 3 weeks of the transfer. It's going to be interesting to really sauce everything out on how to teach, who showers when, etc. but we will figure it all out. She is 22 years old and loves to laugh. It's been great having her around. She and Sister Ensign have times when the jokingly make fun of each other but you know they kinda sorta mean it and it's fun to just sit back and watch :)

I have heaps of awesome stories to tell so I will try to get through as much as I can :)
I have heaps of awesome stories to tell so I will try to get through as much as I can :)
First off at Zone Meeting this week we did a get to know you game. The zone leaders had written little questions on pieces of paper and we picked one and answered it. Our district leaders companion is one of those missionaries that just knows exactly his purpose out here on a mission and is someone that we definitely all look up to for ideas on finding, teaching, and whatever. He got a paper that said, "How has the church blessed your family?" As it we couldn't have any more respect for him his answer nearly brought Sister Ensign and I to tears. He said, "Well when I was 13 my family lost everything. We never really got back on our feet. We still aren't. The church has provided food for my family since then. I know that as long as we are doing what the Lord asks then He will provide a way for us to be happy and healthy. Come to think of it the first time I went shopping on my mission I just cried the whole time because I don't remember the last time my family had gone shopping for food that wasn't provided from the church. I knew that I needed to serve a mission to repay the Lord what little bit I could for the love and care he has given me and my family for the last several years. I know that this is the only true church and that Jesus Christ is at the head of it and that Heavenly Father knows us and is aware of us. In the name of Jesus Christ amen." It was incredible touching and the whole room was just filled with the Spirit as he bore testimony of God's love. It was awesome.
Next, We set an investigator on date for baptism! Angawin is a 16 year old girl from Liberia. She has been taught by missionaries before but we picked her up as a former and started teaching her the lessons again. When we extended the invitation to be baptized she just cried. She said that we wants to be baptized. She said that she has to ask her mom for permission and expressed that she was worried that she would say no. We talked about faith and how we exercise faith and pray constantly for help that He will provide a way. She really has an incredible desire to follow the Savior and to be the best person she can in life. She even talked to her boss to see if she can switch shifts around at work so that she doesn't have to work on Sundays and her boss said yes! The miracles that we have seen in the last week are truly incredible!
We also had another investigator close to being on date. Her name is Vicki. Her and her husband David have been investigating for a while. She has come to church for the last 6 months because she loves the people and the feeling there. They are both from main land China. She knows there is a God and she prays quite often. We've had really special experiences where she has prayed and just finished her prayer in tears. Her husband David is an atheist. He just fights the spirit soo much. At the end of our lesson on Friday Sister Ensign said, "David will you give the closing prayer?" He said no and she just said, "David." and looked him in the eyes. He said, "Okay lets do this. Teach me how to pray" and he got on his knees to pray. It was a simple prayer but man oh man was it powerful. We got in the car and just rejoiced for like 3 minutes about the lesson and that he prayed. Then we prayed and thanked Heavenly Father for the opportunity we had to be a part of his first prayer. We thanked him for the Spirit and that it touched everyones heart in the room. We know that no work can be down without those things. I love being able to see the Lord work through me to bring His children back to Him. I love missionary work.
I love the Book of Mormon. We are now more than half way through our BOM challenge that president gave us. Alma 26:36-37 are amazing. The title for this letter comes from these chapters in the middle of Alma where you see Alma and Almulek and the sons of Mosiah just going about being incredible missionaries. Oh I can't even express how much I love personal study in the morning. Some mornings I'm so stuck in the stories that I loose track of time. Then other mornings like today I just get sucked into Preach My Gospel and don't want to put it down. It's such an amazing feeling.
During testimony meeting yesterday we had some incredible testimonies given. One lady talked about her love of family here and that have passed on to the next life. I couldn't help but think of those that have passed on in my life that have made a big impression on me. The first was Grandpa Scott Wells and the second was Noah. I thought back to all of the fun times at the Wells home with Scott sitting in his brown chair. He would just let us sit on his lap and would just love us. I think back to those times a lot and strive to find that Christ like love more in my life. Then I thought of Noah. I know that he is watching out for me. I know that I have to do everything in my power to be able to see him again after this life. It's a special experience when you think about these people and even though I am half way around the world from family I feel at home. I know that they are watching out for me and are always near when I need comfort. It was a feeling that I know I will treasure forever.
The last testimony. was a 13 or 14 year old boy. He got up and said, "I know the church is true. I've been fighting to get up here but I know I have to share my testimony. I love this gospel and I love my family." Then he got choked up. "I love my mom. . . I love her even though she isn't a member. I know someday I'll live with her forever. I love this gospel and say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." It left everyone in tears. I love Sundays. I love seeing investigators, less actives, and new converts at church. I don't find joy in much less. In Alma there is a scripture that says, "in thee I find my joy." Or something close to that. I know that my joy in this life will never come from worldly things again. The best joy I've ever found is in this work. I miss you all terribly. I wish I could have been there to see Ben kick but at his swim meet, or see David work on his dives at swim lessons. I so wish I could have been at girls camp with Soph and could see Josh's golf tournaments. Those things give me incredible joy that I can't replace. I know I'm supposed to be here though. I don't want to be anywhere else. The Lord is mindful of each and every one of us. He is watching out for us and loves us. I love you all!
Much love,
Sister Beckstrand
P.S. We got to have an awesome 4th of July dinner at a members home. The wife is from Washington so she made pulled pork sandwiches, potato salad, and all kinds of good stuff. Complete with Sparklers!!! It was awesome! We are very well taken care of over here :)
P.P.S Sister Ensign got her driving privileges taken away last transfer and Sister Kanee doesn't have a license so I am the driver. I love it! Driving here is soo cool. Love you!
P.P.S Sister Ensign got her driving privileges taken away last transfer and Sister Kanee doesn't have a license so I am the driver. I love it! Driving here is soo cool. Love you!
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