Monday, July 15, 2013

Things I Know

This letter isn't going to be to long. We had a really interesting week this week. I saw miracles, experienced some of the lowest times so far on my mission, saw goals achieved through faith, and felt Satan trying to bring me down more than I would have ever thought on a mission. I've grown and learned more about myself, the atonement, and my Savoir this week than ever before. I know that fasting for a specific purpose can bring forth miracles. I know that prayers are answered. I know that we need to pray when we least feel like it. It's in those times where we are frustrated, angry, down, or just lost that we need to pray the hardest. Heavenly Father is always listening to our prayers and He stands ready to bless us when we turn to Him. I know that developing Christ-like attributues will draw us closer to the Savoir than anything else in the world. When we earnestly strive to become like Him in everything that we do, that is when we understand His love for us and others, that the atonement wasn't just a good story but that it actually happened, and that we can become like our Savior and Father in Heaven. I've come across heaps of people here that just don't believe that there is a God. Those are the saddest conversations to walk away from. I know that Heavenly Father is real. I know that He loves me. I know that He has provided a plan for each of us and it is perfect, (even when it seems like it isn't). I know that my Savior Jesus Christ lives. I know that He literally walked on this earth. I know that the church we are a part of is HIs church that has been restored to the earth today. I know that through that restoration we have not only another testiment of Jesus Christ in the Book of Mormon but we also have the Priesthood authority and power again on the earth. I couldn't imagine my life without the priesthood. I'm grateful for faithful worthy men in my life that have helped, comforted, and blessed me through that priesthood power. I am eternally grateful for the Book of Mormon. The more I read from it the more the people feel real. The more I read the more my testimony grows of the love those past prophets and leaders had for us in these days. They went through a lot to keep this sacred book protected. I know that it really will draw us closer to God than any other book we read here in this life. I'm grateful for my conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ. At some point we all have to do the same as Joseph Smith and must pray to know if the church is true. I know without a shadow of a doubt that this is the only true church on the earth. I know that my Savior died for me and that I can repent everyday to become better. I'm grateful for the strength the gospel brings in my life. I know that it will bless the lives of all those who let it enter their lives and hearts. The gospel is true. Missionary work is the greatest work upon the earth. I know it, I live it and I love it. I say that in the name of my Savior and Redeemer, even Jesus Christ. Amen.
 Here are the pictures she added on:
The elders in my district at laser tag for Zone P-day last week. The headbands have sensors on them that you shoot at to take out the other players. Our district was blue and the other district was red. We play outside at this awesome arena like place that has several different field where we play game after game. We really got into it this time around if you can't tell haha.

Kanga crossing!

With actual kangaroos in the field next to it! 

 Sunset from the other day. Best part about australia is the sunrises and sunsets

Bobkie went to the temple to do baptisms! We got to go with and watch :) Such a sweet experience.

Another temple pic :) From the morning we did baptisms with Bobkie.
I met one of Mike Grajeks friends this week! She came up to me at church and introduced herself. She's the oldest sibling in the family he knows here. Her name is Dion. She said she would have us over for dinner one of these days. It was fun for have that sense of love from someone I don't even know just because you have friends and I know that everyone is watching out for me.
I feel your prayers everyday and they push me more than anything else.   I love you, keep smiling, know that the Lord is watching out for me and that all is well in the Australia Perth Mission.
All my love,
Sister Shayne 

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