Thursday, October 3, 2013

Family letter :)

Here's a little bit for each of you this week :)
Dad-  I wish you the best of luck at the Marathon this weekend!  Enjoy that run.  I'm learning what it means to enjoy the journey out here even when it's hard.  That mentality is more powerful than anything.  Also something fun from this last week.  Australia just had their footy final which is basically their Superbowl.  I felt really lost having members and nonmembers talking about a sport that I knew nothing about.  Sister Kennar always talked to them about it and all I commented with was, "I only miss one Superbowl being on my mission."  Most people just rolled their eyes like I know mom just did.  Maybe the Cowboys will win it this year :)
Mom- I got your letter.  That massive pot of pasta was shared with the Elders.  We told them we would make dinner one of the first weeks we were in this area so we held to our promise.  I'm trying really hard to be cautious of what I eat, how much I eat, and how effective I am with my 30 mins every morning for exercise.  I added the picture that I for some dumb reason didn't add last week.  I'm really working on it.  I can't believe Sister Hunter is Zack's sister!  I never thought I would see him again.   That made my day to read that.  I was glad to hear that PV and Westlake are doing well in football.  Coach Vince would be an awesome head coach!  His team is lucky.  I also need Grandma and Grandpa Beckstrand's address.  I have a letter for them but don't have their address. 
Soph- How is pep band!? I loved pep band.  Did everyone paint their faces for Homecoming?  It's a dumb tradition that I hope the trombones at least carried on.  Do you get to play at the marathon? I still haven't gotten your letters from girls camp and whatnot.  I think they are lost in the mail somewhere.  There was a letter from Megan that I didnt' get for like 2 months for some random reason.  Hopefully they show up soon.  Also I was talking to Sister Kennar about how excited I was to be home for your first school dance and she wants to see pictures from my dances from Sr year.  Will you send me some?  I'm jealous that you go to ride on the firetruck for the Homecoming parade.  I always had to march it. 
Josh- Congrats on moving up to teacher!  I'm always so proud of you :)  I hope your birthday was great and that your ankle heals soon.  I have a favor to ask you.  I get General Conference a week after you so after you go to Priesthood session I want you to email me all about your favorite talks so I can print them off on Monday and read them during the week to prepare for conference :) Deal?
Ben and David-  I loved hearing mom's story about you boys getting to fill the boot for the firemen! That is probably one of my favorite things to do.  I'm glad that you got to do it for me :)  Keep practicing your pull-ups, ninja training at Taye and Kai's, and sit-ups and you will both be stronger than Josh in no time ;)  Just teasin Squash!

I hope you all are doing well.  Life in Australia is wonderful.  It's finally starting to warm up.  It was supposed to be 30 degrees today.  I love the sun.  Not having a warm sun for over a year is really kind of sad.  I'm glad it's finally coming out here.  Missionary work is the best!  Keep up the FHE, scripture studies, and family prayers and I know that you 4 are going to be better missionaries than I will ever become.  I love you all :)
All my love,
Sister Shayne

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