Thursday, October 3, 2013

September to Remember‏

Hey everyone!
Another week has come and gone and I don' know where the time went.  I should probably start off by explaining why I am writing to you on Thursday instead of Monday this week.  Well back at the beginning of September we set some pretty incredible goals for our mission.  Our Standard of Excellence goal is to have each of the 5 zones have 5 baptisms a month.  That hasn't been accomplished in our mission since February of 2012.  It was about time that we met our standard.  We had about 40 baptismal dates set for the next 2 months and we really anchored our faith and got to work.  We wanted it to be a "September to Remember". Clever right? Well we smashed our goal with 28 baptism this last month.  That is more baptisms in a month in the history of this mission!  President was so pleased that he talked to the Temple President and worked out that we could change our pday to Thursday (instead of Monday which it was going to be because Monday was the Queen's Birthday and a holiday where all the libraries are closed.) and we could be blessed with doing a temple session!  Yes this morning I was able to go to the temple and be part of the 9:30am temple session.  I cried when we found out.
The new temple video is amazing!  I was just drawn to the whole story.  I have that story basically memorized word for word but this time I actually felt that what was being said had meaning and purpose behind it.  I don't know how much I can share so I'll leave it at that.  It was incredible.  I have never felt more comfortable than I did sitting in the Celestial room looking at the perfect beauty of the temple.  I didn't want to leave.  There is such a special spirit at the house of the God.  I encourage all who haven't been for a while to go, those who aren't worthy for whatever reason to put yourself in line utilize the beautiful gift of the atonement and get back there, and for those who aren't even members of this church, talk to a missionary.  There is no better place to be on this earth that in one of the temples of the Church of Jesus-Chris of Latter-day Saints.  Just walking on the temple  grounds in peace and quiet could be enough to help you with the smallest and simplest worry you may have.  I want to be able to go with all of you to the temple when I return so start where you stand and never mind the past. It's time to go to the temple. 
Last Saturday we had the beautiful baptism of Saba :)  We had the service at 10am and it was just perfect.  That weekend there was a YSA convention going on so Saba's fellowship was able to take to those activities and then also be there for her baptism.  It was amazing to see the love and support that was there for her and Masoud, the Elders investigator that was also baptized.  Sister Kennar voluntold (not volunteer, told) me that we were singing a musical number for Saba's baptism.  I disagreed because our companionship study opening hymns are never very good but she insisted and two Sundays ago Saba came up to me after Relief Society and said, "I'm so happy that yous are going to sing for my baptism!"  I looked at Sister Kennar as she smiled and snuck out the door where I couldn't get to her.  That was that.  We practiced all week long and the night before we called up the other Sister's in our district and our Zone Leaders and asked if they would sing with us.  They agreed and it actually sounded really nice.  We sang I am a Child of God and Sister Manu and Sister Kennar added a harmony bit to the last verse that really made it sound good :)  Jesse Pappas our Ward Mission Leader bought a cake for refreshments because it was Saba's birthday as well.  It was just the perfect everything.  I feel soo blessed to have been a part of it. 
Those were definitely the highlights of this last almost 2 weeks. We've had a lot of awesome training on effective ways to tract that we have been trying to implement into our finding this week.  It works for some it doesn't for others.  That's the definition of tracting though.  This work moves so much more quickly when we have members involved.  President has started these "Member Lesson Xtreme" lessons.  Where we go teach a doctrine to members, have them bare their testimonies, and ask them who they know that needs to hear that testimony or who could be strengthened by that principle of the gospel.  We've just started these MLXs but I really think they are going to have a mighty effect on the hearts of the members in our ward.  These members will feel a finding fire like they never have before.  This work isn't possible without the help of members and we are really trying to help them realize that.  If you have missionaries in your ward, go out with them, trust them with your friends, invite them over to teach your family.  It will bless you and bless them.  I'm grateful for the wonderful members that we have in our ward.  This work is great :)  I love being a part of it.  I thank God every day that He lets me be a part of this marvelous work. 
I hope and pray you are all doing well.
All my love,
Sister Shayne



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