Sunday, October 6, 2013

I believe in Christ, so come what may!‏

Hey there!
Well there hasn't been a whole heap that has happened in the last 4 days.  I'll start with a bunch of random things about serving a mission or that I've learned about Australia.
1.  While listening to a slight anti-American talk we got on the topic of gun control.  In Australia only cops and farmers are allowed to own or carry a gun.  The cops were just recently allowed to because bad people were figuring out how to get guns so the cops have them now to protect and enforce the law.  Farmers are allowed to have them to fight off extra kangaroos that invade their farms and for excess rabbits that multiply at too fast of a rate to get rid of them otherwise.  That is something I never thought I would ever hear.
2. When you drive a car as a missionary you are allotted a certain amount of kilometers a month.  If you are about to run out you end up using your bikes a lot more.  We try to keep a pretty good balance throughout the month so that we stay in shape and have plenty of ks at the end of the month.  It's been weird to think in the mindset of watching our ks instead of having to worry about paying for petrol (gas). 
3. Finishing a pen is like a major accomplishment.  When a pen finally runs out of ink and I have to toss it out I always feel like I've been busy. 
4. Teaching people from other countries makes your English super fresh.  You leave appointments speaking to your companion like, "I really happy."  It really makes us laugh. 
On the topic of people from other countries, we went over on Tuesday to visit with Sadaf and Monia.  When we walked in we went in their room and they had all of their stuff packed like they were going for a holiday.  We asked them what was happening and Monia said, "We're moving."  We asked when and they said that their friend was on their way to come pick them up.  We asked where they were moving to and explained that we would send missionaries to their new home.  It was all really confusing and we know that we didn't get to talk to them like we would have liked to.  We ended up calling them on Friday to get the address of their new home.  They had originally told us that they were moving to Armendale.  When we told our Relief Society President, Sister Michelle Dunlop, that she instantly started calling sisters in the ward to see if any of them could house these 2 wonderful girls so that they could stay in our ward.  When we called them they were able to give us their address.  We used the address to figure out what area they were in and made a few phone calls to reach the missionaries there.  We finally go a hold of Elder Cook and told him that we have 2 recent converts that he needs to take care of.  He asked us about them so we gave him their entire background story.  When I finished talking about them all he said was, "This is amazing."  I asked what and he told us that in their ward they are baptizing soo many Persian people that every Friday night they have 'Persian Night' at the chapel so that the recent converts can get together and other members can come to get to know them and strengthen them. That made me want to cry tears of joy and then he said, "Wait it gets better! We also have a normal English gospel principles class and then Ben (one of their recent converts of about 7 months) teaches a Persian speaking gospel principles class so that they can learn the basics of the gospel in their own language!"  How cool is that?!  God always knows what He is doing.  We might not know why things happen but He always has something bigger and better up His sleeve.
On Sunday I was reviewing our numbers and goals for this week.  It's been a really hard week.  We haven't had much success in finding new people to teach and the people that we do have to teach either weren't home or were busy and couldn't find time to have a lesson.  I got really down right before church and had kind of hardened my heart trying to think about how we could have improved our week and what we can change for next week.  I was frustrated over little things.  Testimony meeting was exactly what I needed.  There were testimonies born that just moved me.  I haven't felt that kind of power in a meeting for a long while.  Our closing hymn was, I believe in Christ.  I listened to the words but didn't think too much about it.  Then in Relief Society we had a lesson based around Joel 2:25 "And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten".  It was a really good lesson.  I was fasting that I would be more humble and that I would regain the faith in my finding.  That I might be able to continue the great work that we've done in this area.  We closed RS by singing I believe in Christ again.  This time the line, "I believe in Christ, so come what may." hit me like a ton of bricks.  I went home and read across Mosiah 4:11-12.  I've never seen answers from fasting come so immediately before.  
The Lord knows that there is a mighty work to do down here and He knows that I can do it.  I'm grateful for the times that I get down because I bounce back with more enthusiasm for the work and a more determination to make it happen.  I love this work.  I love being here in Australia.  I'm so incredibly excited to hear General Conference this weekend.  It's weird to think it's already happened.  I can't believe it's been a year since the age drop.  I love seeing mom's blog every week.  Dad good job on the marathon!  It sounds like everyone had a really good year this year.  Soph it's always a joy to talk to you every week.  Josh I loved the pictures from your birthday!  Looks like it was a blast!  David way to score 2 touchdowns this week!  That's awesome.  Ben go get em this week in your game.  It's a bummer that you didn't get to play this week but I know that you will do great when you play on Saturday.  I hope you all are doing awesome.  I love and miss you all! :)  Have and awesome week! 
Much love, 
Sister Beckstrand 

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