Hey everyone!
This week went by was too fast. I usually have a sticky note of things I want to tell you about but this week snuck away from me and I woke up this morning thinking, "Man what am I going to tell them about?" Just a blink and another week gone.
Well this week was pretty full-on by fulfilling our assignment as Sister Training Leaders. We gave training at Zone Meeting again on Tuesday. This week we gave more than half of the training. The Zone Leaders had us train on the importance of using the scriptures and teaching for understanding. You can't effectively teach someone if you are teaching them without the scriptures. My favourite thing that I've noticed about myself throughout my mission is the growth of my knowledge of the scriptures. If you had asked me about a specific story in the Book of Mormon that didn't involve Nephi or Abinadi then I wouldn't have known what you were talking about. My scriptural knowledge was very poor. I always said I would marry a scriptural giant because someone would need to teach the scriptures to our kids. Sister Faiva in the middle of Zone Meeting complimented me on the fact that I don't just share a scripture with people but that I give a great detailed background of the scripture so that they understand why the scripture I am sharing is important and how it applies to them. I LOVE the scriptures. Especially the Book of Mormon. It amazes me that no matter how many times I read it I learn something different. When you study the scriptures with a prayer that you will learn something that you can apply to your life, the answer always comes.
This fast Sunday I did a lot of thinking about the next step in life and how I'll know what to do next. Later in the day I was reading in the Book of Mormon and came across 3 Nephi 18:20. I use this scripture all the time when we teach people prayer but it hit me to the very core when I read it this time. The scriptures are amazing. We talk to God through prayer and I firmly believe He answers us through His written word. All commandments, guidance, comfort, etc that we could ever need in life are in the scriptures. If you doubt that, put it up to the challenge. I guarantee that the answer to any of life's problems or questions can be answered with the word of God. If you can't find an answer challenge me to find an answer :) I love studying to find answers. We had a less-active family that has made it a goal to try and stump me haha It's fun.
We did exchanges with the Sisters in our zone this week. Tuesday we exchanged with the Sisters in Waikiki. Sister Faiva went to Waikiki with Sister Pongi from Tonga. They had a blast together. I got to spend the day with Sister Allen from Portland. We had a bunch of lessons together. We also had a miracle! We have been trying to get into a less-actives home since I got into this area but she has either not been there or has been busy. Well Wednesday morning we went by and her husband answered the door. He said she was on the phone but that we could come in. We had a great chat with her and committed her to read from the Book of Mormon daily. She agreed and we have been sending her scriptures of the day every couple of days to keep her going. Good things are happening. Then on Saturday we did exchanges with Kwinana. Sister Philips from Escalante went to Golden Bay with Sister Faiva and I went to Kwinana with Sister Reynolds from Mona. She has only been out for 4 weeks. It was great to have her lead her area and see how much she has learned in just 4 weeks. We are by far the oldest Sisters in the zone. The other three sisters have been out for 6 months and then Sister Reynolds is brand new. Needless to say they look up to us in every way possible. It's weird having them ask me questions like, "How do you feel?" "What is your dying advice for us?" I don't feel like I'm that close to the end but they keep reminding me that it's just around the corner haha.
This was probably the best week for us this transfer work wise. Time flies when you are lost in the work. There is soo much left to do and soo little time to make it happen. I hope you are all having a fantastic week. Remember the little things make the biggest differnce. Love you all!
Much love,
Sister Shayne
Ava always wears my shoes. It doesn't matter what pair I wear every
single time I take them off I have to tract them to make sure I know
where they end up haha. This picture she has my shoes and her mums
phone. She was super cute.
This is me and Sister Reynolds :)
It was Elder Battye Juniors birthday on Friday so Sister Faive baked him a cake and we went to lunch as a district with them and the other Elders.
Elder Battye Senior on the left served with me out in Kalgoorlie for the 3 months I was there. His cousin Battye Junior just turned 20. They are an amazing duo.
This photo was taken just after Nikau received the priesthood :)
He and Elder Teuira walked out and Ally caught this priceless moment. Me and Nikau :)
Nikau and Elder Teuira - my brothers

Mutu family :)
3 Nephi
17:8 Do you ahve sufficient faith?
18:5 Our church has the authoity given from the Lord
18:25 He denied none to come unto HIm
19:20 I feel like the people we are blessed to teach and baptize are
those that are chosen from the world to have the gospel. This also
shows me the importace of why we close are prayers in the name of
Jesus Christ.
20:31 This book is another testament of Jesus Christ
I'm a little behind on my reading because we are doing another Book of
Mormon challenge as a mission and I've been trying to tackle both. I
promise that I will have finished it before I land home though. Keep
reading and building that testimony!
17:8 Do you ahve sufficient faith?
18:5 Our church has the authoity given from the Lord
18:25 He denied none to come unto HIm
19:20 I feel like the people we are blessed to teach and baptize are
those that are chosen from the world to have the gospel. This also
shows me the importace of why we close are prayers in the name of
Jesus Christ.
20:31 This book is another testament of Jesus Christ
I'm a little behind on my reading because we are doing another Book of
Mormon challenge as a mission and I've been trying to tackle both. I
promise that I will have finished it before I land home though. Keep
reading and building that testimony!
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